Redemption is the heart of the gospel, the ultimate expression of God’s love for humanity. In the journey of education, we come to understand that knowledge alone is not enough; it must lead us to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. As Ellen G. White highlights in Education, the purpose of true learning is to bring us to redemption—to recognize our need for a Savior and to respond to His call.
Redemption is not just a personal experience but one that transforms us into witnesses of Christ’s love. Through our lives and actions, we are called to reflect Jesus’ character, showing others the way to the cross. As Jesus opened the doors of heaven for all, we too invite others to experience the same grace, mercy, and hope.
This invitation is more than just words; it is an active call to live a life of service, compassion, and kindness, reflecting Christ’s love in every interaction. Redemption leads to change, and as we walk this path, we inspire others to follow. As we are redeemed, we become part of God’s mission to bring others into His kingdom.