Bound by Love

Anna Marie Jarvis wanted to show appreciation for what her mother had done for her, so in 1907 she began to teach children to express their appreciation for their mothers. She began a tradition where the children would write a note to their mothers listing the great things their mothers had done for them. This struck a core in the hearts of America and many throughout the country began to do likewise. Finally seven years later, President Woodrow Wilson signed into law a national mother’s day. Today, it’s become a huge commemoration on behalf of mothers. You will expect sermons across America expounding on the values of motherhood. You will discover the vast array of flowers, cards, and chocolates in the various stores. In fact, so much so, that this weekend’s sales for mother’s day items is expected to reach $21 billion.

Why such passion for this day? Because it touches a cord on the hearts of men and women. Most mothers have given careers, lifestyle choices, and hours of time to make sure that their children had love in the home. A woman’s heart is bound by love for their children. Their children are their life, and their love. If anything happens to those precious little ones, it is like cutting part of their heart away. Even in nature we see how female animals are also bound by love.

We used to raise Shelties and give the pups away to families with children. Every time Black Beauty would have a litter of puppies, she would hide the pups from our children. The children loved to touch the pups. But Beauty didn’t want little hands picking up and playing with the pups. So she would hide the pups in different closets each week. Then under a different bed another week. At times under my desk another week, until the pups were big enough to roam on their own. God created women special in this way. Their heart is to protect, guard, shield, and defend their children. Why? Because they are bound by Love.

The Bible says, in Proverbs 4:3 “For I was my father’s son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother.” Have you every noticed that when a child gets hurt, who do they usually run to first? Mom! Why? Because they know that when mom kisses the “boo boo”, something special happens. It helps relieve the pain instantly. Can’t explain it, can’t quantify it, it just is. The tender kiss of a mother availed much.

I remembered hearing my mother in the middle of the night praying to God. She would name me and my brother every night and present us before God. Hearing her prayers for me would make me sleep sound and deep. Knowing that my God and my mother were watching over me. I knew that she loved me. I knew that God loved me also; all because of the tender words from my mother. Here are some words of insight

“Your compassionate Redeemer is watching you with love and sympathy, ready to hear your prayers and to render you the assistance which you need. He knows the burdens of every mother’s heart and is her best friend in every emergency. His everlasting arms support the God-fearing, faithful mother. When upon earth, He had a mother that struggled with poverty, having many anxious cares and perplexities, and He sympathizes with every Christian mother in her cares and anxieties. That Saviour who took a long journey for the purpose of relieving the anxious heart of a woman whose daughter was possessed by an evil spirit will hear the mother’s prayers and will bless her children.” Adventist Home p.204

“The power of a mother’s prayers cannot be too highly estimated. She who kneels beside her son and daughter through the vicissitudes of childhood, through the perils of youth, will never know till the judgment the influence of her prayers upon the life of her children. If she is connected by faith with the Son of God, the mother’s tender hand may hold back her son from the power of temptation, may restrain her daughter from indulging in sin. When passion is warring for the mastery, the power of love, the restraining, earnest, determined influence of the mother, may balance the soul on the side of right.” Adventist Home p.266

This Sabbath, don’t forget to call your mother, or the one that raised you. Let them know how much you appreciate them

Angel J. Rodriguez, D.Min
Houston Central – Senior Pastor


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