Posts from 2016 (Page 2)

Fantasy World

Lately I have been seeing young boys and girls, Adult men and women, and even some elderly people walking around with their phone chasing imaginary animals. I have never seen anything like this. According to several reports, a man fell off a cliff while chasing this fantasy pet. A young boy broke into a home trying to chase this illusive animal. Still others cross into moving traffic while pursuing this creature. Since the birth of video games, minds have been…


Have you ever been deceived? It happened to a Pastor friend of mine while visiting Jerusalem. He loved to play chess. Very often on route to another site that was hours away he would pull out his portable chess set and play anyone who was up to the task. In Jerusalem he saw a beautiful chess set made of marble. He negotiated the price. The salesman asked if he would like it wrapped in a beautiful box with wrappings. He…

Who are you talking to?

Everywhere He sees hurting persons, crushed with sin and sorrow and pain. But He also sees their potential;

Thanksgiving Praise

Thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the Lord thy God hath given thee Thanksgiving and praise should be expressed to God for temporal blessings and for whatever comforts He bestows upon us.

The Patient- Part 2

One of the things I noticed as a patient in the hospital, is that every person has a vital role. From the receptionist, to the admission clerk, and then to the staff on the unit, each one plays an important part. Then when you finally arrive at your room, your patient care assistant and nurse are waiting for you.   The first thing they do is introduce themselves and proceed to ask you “why are you in the hospital?” From…

The Island

The rain came down and the waters came up. The Houston area experienced what is called a “500 year flood”. I watched through the windows to determine if the water was going to reach our home. The first day of the storm resulted in the water cresting around a foot from our front door. Our family thanked the Lord for His goodness. Our boys grabbed the kayaks and canoe to helped the neighbors evacuate from their homes. Throughout the day…

The Path

I haven’t kayaked in two years. It was time to get back in the saddle, and experience the joy of nature. It had rained the previous day, and the water level was higher than normal. As we traveled down the creek it was easy and exciting. Finally we stopped at the 3.5-mile mark to rest, drink water, eat some trail mix, then off we went. However, the return trip was a different adventure. It was easy to follow the flow,…

Jewel weed

Have you looked in the mirror lately? The sin rash starts very small. Then very quickly it begins to spread. But there is hope, Jewel weed! Jesus will stop the spread of the poison.

New Beginnings

The mighty power of the Holy Spirit works an entire transformation in the character of the human agent, making him a new creature in Christ Jesus
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