
Growing Together

Why do some families or friends grow closer together the more they spend time with one another, and other families or friends grow to hate and resent each other and eventually fall apart with time? Your Circle of Friends Imagine you standing in the middle and your circle of friends or family holding a circle around you. While you are walking around chasing your dream, growing and learning, there is no problem as long as your circle moves with you,…


Finding Freedom: An Exodus for the Modern Soul This month, our church delves into the powerful story of Exodus – the Israelites’ escape from Egyptian slavery led by Moses. But this narrative isn’t confined to dusty pages of a history book. It holds a profound message for us today, a call to action that resonates across millennia. In the same way the Israelites were shackled by Pharaoh, many in our world are bound by a different kind of captivity –…


Humans are social creatures. We crave connection, belonging, and a sense of purpose that transcends ourselves. This is where church community comes in, offering a unique space for spiritual growth, unwavering support, and a chance to connect with like-minded individuals. The Bible speaks extensively about the importance of community in the Christian faith. Hebrews 10:25 emphasizes this beautifully: “Let us not neglect our meeting together, as is the habit of some, but let us encourage one another, and all the…