Reflections Spotlight-Jennifer Morgan

Reflections Spotlight-Jennifer Morgan

Born with a life-threatening medical condition Sister Morgan, has experienced more than a few moments of uncertainty and episodes bringing her near death. Suffering blood clots throughout her body (including her lungs nearly depriving her of all her oxygen), hospital stays for surgeries, struggling as a single mother during her illness, her faith was tested and the mighty hand of Jesus was revealed.

Hospitalized, near death, with a red blood cell count of 4 due to severe hemorrhaging, tests were performed to uncover the cause. Tests revealed multiple fibroids yet through the power of faith, fasting, and prayer, three follow up medical tests confirmed a miracle. The medical staff was shocked to find that she was still alive the following day. She couldn’t at that time, share what occurred in that hospital room and how Jesus spoke to her calming her fears and affirming He was with her.

With continuing medical challenges and mounting financial burdens, the Lord used many friends and doctors to be His hands and feet to provide all that was needed to overcome.

Tune in to this incredible story of faith and healing!

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