Posts from January 2018

Reflections Spotlight-Jennifer Morgan

Born with a life-threatening medical condition Sister Morgan, has experienced more than a few moments of uncertainty and episodes bringing her near death. Suffering blood clots throughout her body (including her lungs nearly depriving her of all her oxygen), hospital stays for surgeries, struggling as a single mother during her illness, her faith was tested and the mighty hand of Jesus was revealed. Hospitalized, near death, with a red blood cell count of 4 due to severe hemorrhaging, tests were performed…

The Mighty Tree  

I remember as a pathfinder going to our Camporee and enjoying the beautiful landscape of nature. There was one tree by one of our lower division Sabbath school classes that was perfect for picnics or just laying in the shade as the soft breeze came over you.   The tree lived thru many storms, blizzards, and even periods of drought. It stood majestic, picturesque, and was my favorite tree in the entire camp. Then one day, the ground moved as lightning…

Making the Change: The role of attitude in health reform

  “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”  Philippians 4:13. The ability to make any positive change or growth in Christianity has to be based in a dependence on God to do the seemingly impossible for His glory. A firm belief that God can do all things for His people that ultimately result in His name being glorified has to be present before the positive reform can be embarked upon. Many do not make health reform a subject…