Posts by Josh and Prithi

Making the Change: The role of attitude in health reform

  “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”  Philippians 4:13. The ability to make any positive change or growth in Christianity has to be based in a dependence on God to do the seemingly impossible for His glory. A firm belief that God can do all things for His people that ultimately result in His name being glorified has to be present before the positive reform can be embarked upon. Many do not make health reform a subject…

Making the Change: A Decision for Health

We all lead generally very busy lives. Time is a precious commodity and not an inexhaustible resource. Demands on time can include and are not limited to; church, work, school, family and the list goes on. Most of these demands however represent a choice based on wants and needs.The choices we make on what to spend our time on also represent what we value.    Values can become a part of our lives by instruction we receive and accept, or experientially…

The Original Health Care

God has given us access to a bounty of his blessings in the food He has created for us to enjoy and sustain ourselves. In a time when most of us are tending to items in our busy lives, diet and health unfortunately can take a back seat to other events in our day. A diet of convenient choice replaces one of conscious choice. Even when time permits we are bombarded by advertisements in billboards, television commercials, fad diet commentary,…